More Agencies Embracing Experiential Marketing Approaches


Jeff Hewson

An innovative marketing technique that helps brands cultivate deeper connections with customers is gaining traction among agencies in the Greater Toronto Area. So-called experiential marketing relies on the premise that customers are more likely to respond to a product with which they are able to interact.


Marketers, such as those based out of an Experiential Marketing Agency in Toronto, help facilitate scenarios that bring together customers and products. The objective is to help cultivate a relationship between the two. Put another way, experiential marketing is effective in driving sales because it allows for the consumer to be convinced of a product’s worth rather than to be simply told about. Experiential marketing techniques are varied, but each instance of it is designed to evoke positive emotions in the customer and to be informative. By engaging brands, products and services in a sensory way, customers are able to make more intelligent and informed purchasing decisions. This particular approach to marketing has been successful, particularly as consumers are inundated with media and advertising messages across multiple platforms. Increasingly, consumers are becoming blind to traditional marketing schemes. Reports suggest that on average a North American consumer is exposed to thousands of marketing messages each day – the result of hundreds of billions of dollars companies are spending on advertising. In addition to the marketing messages to which consumers are relentless exposed, they are also more and more distracted by entertainment opportunities. The ubiquity of smartphones, for example, has made it increasingly difficult for marketers to capture consumer’s attention. Marketers have become more aggressive, but without necessarily considering how best to adapt their approach to take advantage of changing consumer behaviour. Corporations must build brand relevant experiences and make them available in the spaces where consumers are most likely to be receptive to them. Like an Experiential Marketing Agency in Toronto, progressive agencies are using the density of urban populations to carefully study high volumes of consumer behaviour and then customize their approach to customers for specific brands. Mobilizing experiential marketing techniques requires staffs that are trained to persuade customers in positive ways and to invite interactivity with products. When reservations are expressed, they must be able to engage the customer, helping them to overcome perceived obstacles. A customer’s positive experience with a brand, product or service drives sales and increases brand awareness and hence increase profitability. When executed well, an experiential marketing approach is powerful and helps win meaningful brand loyalty.

The author of this article is associated with Kognitive Marketing.

Toronto event marketing agency

is also known as

experiential marketing agency Toronto


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