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Is Total Knee Replacement Right for You?
Jordan Rocksmith
When you really stop to think about it, the human body is extremely delicate. Human lives are dependent on a number of different systems operating properly, each system consisting of numerous organs, and each organ itself consisting of different properties. It is no great wonder, then, that sometimes a person’s ordinary bodily functions are interrupted by injuries, illnesses, or even no apparent cause. When you consult with a physician, he or she can determine, either by simply considering your symptoms or by subjecting you to testing, what type of health issue is interrupting your normal, healthy function.
When you consider just a single part of a human body, you can comprehend the ways in which it is dependent on other systems and important to regular human activity and health. Take the knee, for example. As joints in both legs, constructed of bones, tendons, and more, and responsible for tasks as simple as sitting, standing, and walking, knees can be subject to a number of different ailments. Symptoms of problems can include knees that buckle, knee pain, and inability to walk or stand properly.
Sometimes these ailments can be so severe that you may not be able to move normally. In these cases, you may want to consider a total knee replacement in Seattle, or in your area, so that you can return to living your life as you did when you were healthy.
What is total knee replacement surgery, though? It is a process by which stiff, painful, or faulty knees that are not responsive to conservative treatment can be completely replaced.
This surgery works by putting a patient under general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia, which numbs a person from the waist down, and then making cuts in front of each knee. Damaged parts of the knee will be removed, and then the bones will be shaped so that a metal or plastic joint, an artificial “new knee,” can be inserted into each leg. With a special adhesive product, the new knees will be adhered to the thigh, the shin, and the knee cap. This connection between these 3 parts, as well as normally-functioning muscled and tendons that attach in this area, allows a person to move their leg in a normal manner, applying weight to it and using the leg to direct weight onto other objects, such as when forcing your foot into a shoe or pressing a gas pedal.
Knee replacement surgeries can be total or partial. In total knee replacement surgery, which was described above, the entire joint will be replaced. In a partial knee replacement, only a specific portion will be replaced. Which surgery is right for you? This depends on a number of things, including your age, weight, health conditions, the severity of your knee pain, and more.
Either surgery is often performed for those who have severe arthritis or osteoarthritis. These individuals have knee pain that is not only physically restrictive, it is mentally obstructive, as the level of pain makes concentration and sleep difficult.
If you feel that you may be a candidate for a partial or total knee replacement in Seattle, then consult with a doctor about your symptoms, your family history of health problems, your own history of knee problems, and what you would like to accomplish.
With this information, a physician can help offer you a number of different treatment options to get your life back on track. Often, only a total knee replacement can give you the results you want and need. In these cases, this advanced, safe procedure that involves a reasonable amount of recovery time can be performed. This surgery can give you the peaceful feelings of health and independence you may have been lacking.
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Is Total Knee Replacement Right for You?